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jQuery plugin to take legacy inline JS (i.e. onclick and href="javascript:...") and create event handlers to be run before or after the inlined code (or both!).

(Why would I need this?)

My use case was that I was writing a GreaseMonkey-like script against a page with inline JS and my jQuery events were not behaving. Works for me; your mileage may vary.


Use the jsDelivr CDN.


// given <button onclick="doSomething()">do something</button>
// or <a href="javascript:doSomethingElse()">do something else</a>

// Basic usage:
  attr: 'onclick',
  event: 'click',
}, function doSomethingBeforeSomething() {
  // do something else

// Restoring the inline JS:
  attr: 'onclick',
  event: 'click',
  restore: true

// Fancy usage:
  attr: 'onclick',
  event: 'click',
  before: function executedBeforeInlineJS(event, data) {
    // stuff; return false to halt propagation to inline JS
  after: function exectedAfterInlineJS(event, data) {
    // things; return false to prevent the default action and stop propagation
  // will execute the after() function even if the inlined JS returned false.
  forcePropagation: true,
  data: {
    before: 'some data to be passed to the before() function',
    after: 'some data to be passed to the after() function',


Christopher Hiller