Function unpatchActor

  • Experimental

    Reverts what was done in patchActor for a given ActorRef. This will revert all changes to a given ActorRef made by patchActor in reverse order.

    Mutates actor.

    If actor has not been patched via patchActor, this function returns the identity.

    Warning: If changes were made to the ActorRef's logger by means other than patchActor after the first call to patchActor (internally or otherwise), assume they will be lost.

    Type Parameters

    • TActor extends AnyActorRef

      The type of the ActorRef to unpatch


    • actor: TActor

      ActorRef or Actor to unpatch

    Returns TActor

    actor, but unpatched

    This function is not currently used internally and is considered experimental. It may be removed in the future if it does not prove to have a reasonable use-case.